Floor van der Meulen

In 2012, Floor graduated from the Willem de Kooning Academy. After graduation she worked on video art related projects and developed the short documentary Bekerrapers (The Cup Collectors) with production company KeyDocs.

In 2014 she made her international debut as a documentary filmmaker with Paradijsbestormers (Storming Paradise) in collaboration with production company KeyDocs and BNN. In 2015, together with Syrian artist Issa Touma and Dutch co-director Thomas Vroege, she made the international acclaimed short documentary 9 Days – From My Window In Aleppo. This short documentary was shown on film festivals around the world and won the European Film Award for best short 2016.

In 2016 she also made here debut as a fiction director with In Vrijheid (In Exile) which was nominated for a the Dutch Golden Calfs Best Television Drama and won Best Actress. Together again with Issa Touma and Thomas Vroege, she made a follow-up story on life in Aleppo: Greetings from Aleppo.

Today Floor works on the feature length documentary Last Male Standing and is developing her first fiction feature.